Monday, April 4, 2011

Portfolio Possibilities

Thanks to Logan for his summary.

Angela’s Group

I. Archive – texts from in class (comp 1, 2, PTT, visual SRR)

II. Reflections

1. Outside reflections (not due for class)

2. Composition that hasn’t been made (comp three)

3. Reflection on the assembly of the portfolio

4. And reflection on the course

III. Composition

1. Design reflect back on the expressed understanding composition

2. Does reflect growth/development of a theory of composition

IV. Four categories – force people to go above or below

Katie’s Group

I. Content

1. Narrative of concept of composition (start to end/development)

2. Relationship to outside sources (courses we’ve taken or taught)

3. SRRs, informal work, maps, remnants of collaboration, steps in collaborative processes, explanations of those processes

4. Reflection, articulation of professional concepts or development of key terms

5. Including something from outside the class (making connections across classes, time, and space)benefit: Dr. Yancey learns in the process

II. Criteria

1. Definition of composition – development, clear definition for the SELF

2. Outside research – demonstrating that we’ve thought about an application of the course to other areas of life

3. Variety and breadth to the samples (not all the same)

4. Demonstrate connections

5. Seeing connections across terms and across work that we’ve done for this class and other courses

Emani’s Group

I. Content

1. Reflection

2. Three Key SRRs

3. Comp Theories 1 and 2 (reflections for both)

4. Abstract to the project representing the project

5. Design – utilizing the technology effectively

II. Criteria

1. Demonstrating synthesis

2. Seeing something that you hadn’t seen before by looking at all the pieces

3. Reflection comes in different flavors (narrative of progress, self-assessment, synthesis, response to a set of questions [the most powerful concept you’ve encountered in the class])

Logan’s Group

a. Items in the portfolio

i) Range of work for different audiences and purposes

ii) Used at a place to think in

iii) Comp theory one, reflection, question and response

iv) Invention work that goes along with the final project

v) Project Thinking Text

vi) Invention activities for the final project

b. Yancey’s Questions

i) SRRs are informal – do you wish to include informal work?

ii) Multiple pieces of reflection vs one big piece?

iii) What are the questions you’ll still be wrestling with as you walk out the door? [Describe the writer who walked in, describe the writer you are now, describe the writer you will be a year from now]

iv) How much of your research project would you like to include?

c. Criteria/Guidelines

i) Reflection – course, projects ,future

ii) Content – level of reflection on that content

iii) Design – making the design work for YOU and you technological abilities

iv) Connections/Cohesiveness

v) Utility – in the sense that this might be a public showcase; something that you could return to and adapt as things change

vi) Accuracy of the portfolio as it reflects the goals of the class

vii) Reflection – open implications for the future – acknowledge that it isn’t final and can’t be

viii) Yancey’s could do – ask one question that you would like to be answered/responded to/considered (gets the reader to think in with you, exchange value)

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